

"We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man--all belong to the same family". Chief Seattle

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Friday, April 30, 2004

Cold calling all tourists to stay away....


TOURISM and a rise in whale-watching off the north-west coast of the United States is seriously hampering communication among killer whales, according to new research.

The animals are increasing the length of their calls as they have to compete with the escalating din from the engines of visitors' boats, scientists say.

Calls are recorded as having lengthened by 15 per cent since the 1990s, as the number of vessels taking visitors whale-watching off the Washington state coast increased five-fold - possibly jeopardising the very resource on which they depend. via ...The Scotsman

Kritik [ ] Send article



Tuesday, April 27, 2004

We have seen this, we must do something

Brooke Hospital for Animals relieves the suffering of horses, donkeys and mules working for poor people in the developing world. Our dedicated local vets and their teams provide free care, education and training in the heart of the communities we serve in Egypt, India, Jordan and Pakistan.

Countless working animals in developing nations are being mutilated because of widespread superstition and ignorance, more>>

How you can help
There are many ways in which you can help us in our efforts to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of working equine animals all over the world and the people who depend upon them.

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Thursday, April 22, 2004

Do something to help.........

Join the Earth Day Network

If you are interested in supporting Earth Day, please visit the Chevy Chase Earth Day Auction

Plant seeds of hope - Each click on the "Save Our Rainforests" button plants a seed of hope for one of Earth's most bio-diverse habitats. Tell a friend.

Just by signing up, you will fund preservation of 91 square feet of rainforest land! So click here to sign in with The Rainforest Site and make a difference.

Take the Green Ribbon Pledge

Join the 22,621 people who have taken the pledge to conserve energy for a secure future! There are hundreds of things you can do every day to reduce energy consumption. And cutting down energy use is the most important thing you can do to secure our future from the negative effects of unreliable, unstable and environmentally damaging energy

Welcome to Earth Day 2004 Online
The EnviroLink Network has served as the online clearinghouse for environmental information since 1991. This website compiles a comprehensive list of Earth Day events occurring in 2004, regardless of size, geographic location or organizational affiliation.

Earth Day 2004 Calendar
The Earth Day History

How the First Earth Day Came About
By Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day

What was the purpose of Earth Day? How did it start? These are the questions I am most frequently asked. Actually, the idea for Earth Day evolved over a period of seven years starting in 1962. more>>

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Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Seal still going on, thier blood is on many hands. You must read this whole article...

bloggzen - blogging technology innovation

Profits from the seal cull By Ian Herbert, Genevieve Roberts and Roland Hancock

British retailers insist they do not stock their products, fur traders claim they are a mere sideline and a Welsh fashion designer caused a national outcry a few years ago by using them on the catwalk.

But the seals whose slaughter has turned the Canadian ice blood-red this week are earning British traders healthy revenues, according to figures seen by The Independent. via... The Independent

You must read it soon, or it will become premium, if you have problems email me.

Kritik [ ] Send article



Thursday, April 15, 2004

Orange chips

How can you keep track of your friends in this weekend's marathon? by David Adam

The future's bright, the future's having a little chip on runners' shoelaces that registers when they cross certain points and updates friends through their mobile phones. All courtesy of Orange, a sponsor of Sunday's London marathon. via ... The Guardian

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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Doris Duke

artzen - expo info

Cecil Beaton photograph by courtesy of Sotheby's Picture Library, London.

2-5 June, 2004. 20 Rockerfeller Plaza, New York.
Magnificent Jewels
Furniture & Decorative Arts
Extraordinary Private Cellar Of Wines

Christie's is pleased to offer at auction the renowned collection of Doris Duke, one of the most glamorous figures of the 20th century, a lifelong philanthropist and an accomplished collector with an eye for the exotic.

All proceeds will benefit the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation which supports four national grant making programs to support the performing arts, wildlife conservation, medical research and the prevention of child abuse.

Established in 1996, the DDCF activities are guided by the will of Doris Duke, who endowed the Foundation with financial assets that currently total $1.5 billion.

It also oversees the preservation of the cultural and environmental legacies of three of Doris Duke's properties that are now open to the public:

- Duke Farms in Hillsborough, New Jersey. Duke Farms was the vision of James Buchanan Duke, one of the most successful entrepreneurs at the turn of the 20th century. Duke farms Foundation.

- Shangri La in Honolulu, Hawaii. In the late 1930s, Doris Duke built "Shangri La," her Honolulu home, on five acres of property overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Diamond Head. Shangri La incorporates architectural features from the Islamic world and houses Duke's extensive collection of Islamic art, which she assembled over more than 60 years.

- Rough Point in Newport, Rhode Island. The Newport Restoration Foundation was created in 1968, based on the urgent need to save the city's rapidly disappearing 18th century architecture.

Buy the catalogues, they will be a collectors items!

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Shelter Crystal Ball

ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy

Shelter Chrystal Ball

Your invitation to the Shelter Crystal Ball

Shelter is hosting its inaugural ball on Saturday, 12th
at the London Hilton on Park Lane, with special guest
stars helping to raise vital funds for Shelter’s work with
homeless and badly housed children. Find out more about tickets >>

- Donate to Shelter

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Monday, April 12, 2004

Our friends...

The seals are being murdered and tortured. There have been many articles about this atrocity. There are many more frightfull deeds committed by man all over the world which go unreported.

This is the best report about what is really going to be happening today in Canada.

".... the vets carried out postmortem examinations on 76 seal carcasses left behind on the ice after being skinned, and their findings have shocked even the most hardened anti-hunt campaigners.

Examinations of the skulls revealed that 17% showed no signs of any cranial injury which would have caused the animal to be unconscious when its pelt was removed. A further 25% showed only minimal or moderate signs of injury which the vets conclude would also have been unlikely to cause unconsciousness.

The panel also reviewed video evidence of this year's and previous hunts. It found that in almost 80% of kills recorded, no effort was made by the hunter to check that the seals were unconscious, while in 40% of cases, the hunter left the animal on the ice before returning to club it a second time, suggesting that it was conscious and suffering in the meantime.

"Based on our observations, it is obvious that there is a tremendous lack of consistency in the treatment of each seal, and the existing regulations are neither respected nor enforced," the report says. >>more

Controversial seal hunt under way off Newfoundland - Globe and Mail Update

Understanding seals and sealing in CanadaInternational Fund for Animal Welfare
Humane Society of the United States

More than 12,000 sealers are on the massive ice floes off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador on Monday to begin the busiest stretch of the largest seal hunt in more than 50 years.

According to the IFAW website, the group has submitted video evidence of more than 660 probable violations of Canada's Marine Mammal Regulations – including the skinning of live seals — to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Outrage at new mass slaughter of baby sealsGuardian, UK - Apr 10, 2004
Soon after dawn breaks above Newfoundland tomorrow, the ice sheets will be suffused with crimson as an army of hunters embark on the largest single cull of ...

Canada seal hunt

The Humane Society of the United States - seals articles

seven slaughtered"© International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)".

Saving Harp Seals
IFAW led the campaign to "Save the Seals" in the 1970's. Now we need your help to stop this latest attack on defenseless seal pups!
IFAW Takes Action to End the Hunt
Seal Hunt Facts
Latest News
Seal Images and Video: from the IFAW Archives

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Sunday, April 11, 2004

The London Marathon

ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy

Marc Eisenstadt has asked us to support his friend Mike Wibberley .

On April 18th, 2004 I'm running in the London Marathon.

It's a big venture. Not just the running, but I'm also raising money for two causes. They are Shelter and The Wilderness Leadership School. At first sight they may look like very different causes, but there is a link. They both relate to quality of life. They are also causes I care about from personal experience.

Donate to Shelter

The Wilderness Leadership School in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa has a Mission. They work to conserve wilderness by giving people a direct experience of being in wild country. For more information on trails contact Pat Bronner at

"I believe two of the marks of the quality of our Civilisation are how we take care of those of us who experience difficulty and disadvantage, and how we respect and preserve wildness."Mike

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Sunday, April 04, 2004


What so good about nettles? 'Tis the season to pick nettles. But why would anyone bother with the underrated nettle? Listen> on woman's hour BBC Radio4

Be Nice to Nettles Week - a CONE initiative
19 - 28 May 2004

Create your own nettle patch Want to watch caterpillars in your own garden, or have a supply for spring greens? Here's some tips to create the perfect nettle patch. more>

Ntlle Games - Play true or false?
Test your knowledge of the nettle. Will you be the pick of the patch or will you be stung?

Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's Nettle Soup

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- latest posts -
Support World Aids Day - "We believe every individual has the power to make a difference. We exist for one single purpose: So that more and more people discover their own power to make good things happen".
RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.
RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.
- National Zoo Awareness to raise public awareness of animal suffering in zoos. Find out more.
- Saving Harp Seals IFAW led the campaign to "Save the Seals" in the 1970's. Now we need your help to stop this latest attack on defenseless seal pups!
- IFAW Takes Action to End the Hunt
- Seal Hunt Facts
- Latest News
- Seal Images and Video: from the IFAW Archives
The community
The Community Messages of peace and conflict resolution from the Nobel Peace Prize winners and their organizations.
Sunbathing can help prevent more than 25 chronic diseases and save billions
Sunlight Robbery: Health benefits of sunlight are denied by current public health policy in the UK, written by Oliver Gillie, a former medical correspondent on the Sunday Times and ex-medical editor of the Independent. The report is published by the Health Research Forum a not for profit organisation devoted to discussion of health issues – copies can be downloaded free
- update - Mike finished the the London Marathon April 18th, 2004 Mike Wibberley. "It’s a big venture. Not just the running, but I’m also raising money for two causes. They are Shelter and The Wilderness Leadership School."
To pledge money or for more information please e-mail
"I believe two of the marks of the quality of our Civilisation are how we take care of those of us who experience difficulty and disadvantage, and how we respect and preserve wildness." Mike Wibberley
Forum Barcelona 2004
9 May - 26 September 141 days for experiencing and reflecting. The Forum is a festive journey designed to bring the three main themes to life. For 141 days, this will be the place where visitors experience cultures and entertainment from around the world through exhibitions, markets, performances, games and more. Register!
Barcelona and the Universal Forum of Cultures to host World Environment Day 2004
This Year's Global Theme: Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive?

The city of Barcelona, known for its commitment to culture and urban renewal, will be hosting World Environment Day 2004, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The annual World Environment Day (WED) event, celebrated around the globe each year on or around 5 June, will take place during the nearly five-month long Universal Forum of Cultures that is being hosted by the Barcelona City Council, the Catalan Autonomous Government and the Spanish Government. Contact Eric Falt

WED, commemorated each year on 5 June is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.

WED was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP.

Information on the day, Skolia, posters, fact sheets and ideas on how to celebrate WED can be found at

- EURO Environment 2004 Aalborg, Denmark 11-12 November
- 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress Bangkok, Thailand 17-25 November
The John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage 2003-4 "For me the albatross symbolises the triumph of the human spirit. I'm going to help it."
- Save the Albatross please sign the petition.
- The Big Bird Race Help them by betting on some albatrosses 6,000 mile journey.
Athenian Street dog having a nap

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- care2 an environmentally conscious community. With free email and photo gallery.
 - AndEarth The AndEarthToday newsletter enables anyone to make a difference in the world just by reading their email.
- climate change calculator
- earthday what is your ecological footprint?
- real age find out yours.
Green Ribbon Pledge
- green ribbon pledge conserving energy, preserving our future.
- political compass where are you?
- ARKive films, photos and sounds, of all species.
- Modest Needs is an online organization with one simple goal: to help struggling individuals and families to retain their self-sufficiency by remitting payment for a one time, emergency expense on their behalf.
'Philanthropists Delights'
Modest Needs Cookbook 'Philanthropists Delights' All profits benefit the persons who've asked Modest Needs for some short term help.
See how you can help Modest Needs help others!
- feelanthropy Contributions received directly provides for the humane care of animals throughout Southern California. Foundations which the Feel Anthropy Foundation currently supports through financial donations include: American Humane Society
Animal Control Division Parrot Society of Los Angeles
Donate to Feelanthropy.

- give-web This site has been put together to help inspire goodwill between people, "Random Acts of Kindness", "Paying it Forward" or whatever you want to call it.  

The idea is simple, help someone out and in exchange get them to help someone else out. If you think about it, your one good deed continues down the line and ends up helping out many people.
 The second reason  for the site is to become a web portal for free donation through clicking sites.
- Recycler's World was established as a world wide trading site for information related to secondary or recyclable commodities, by-products, used & surplus items or materials.
- Freecycle give stuff away recycle old stuff, get new old stuff. Start a Freecycle group in your area.
- Brooke Hospital for Animals relieves the suffering of horses, donkeys and mules working for poor people in the developing world.
- Latest appeal
Countless working horses and donkeys in developing nations are being mutilated because of widespread superstition and ignorance, you can help end this suffering.

- Animal Freedom is the website of a Dutch foundation under the same name and with the same objectives. On the website international volunteers exchange legal ideas about ending factory farming and promoting animal rights.
Animal Freedom can be regarded as a virtual community and tries to unite and support people all over the world that agree with freedom as a "portal" to animal rights.
- The worst abuses in factory farming
- it is very important that we know about this ruthless suffering, it is all done for financial gain! Think before you eat.

- Friends of Calakmul (FOC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of jaguars and their habitat, primarily focused on the Buffer Zone surrounding the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in southern Mexico.
- Donate
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- eNature Whether you’re into birds, wildflowers, butterflies, mammals or any other aspect of nature, you can create a Wildlife List to record your sightings.
- Climate Ark is a Climate Change Portal and Internet Search Tool that provides access to reviewed climate change and renewable energy news and information. The Climate Ark's premise is that Climate Change is occurring and that policy must be crafted now in response.
- Climate Ark Blog
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- Textaid is a completely new initiative developed by mTank Ltd and Payco UK to allow charities and non-profit organisations to communicate with their supporters and volunteers through the power of text messaging.
- Find out the Internet-Presence - for selected herbal "drugs" See the TrendIQ graphs.
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Recycle your old cell phone and save rainforest! The rainforests are disappearing at the rate of a football field per second, and your old cell phone can make a big difference! Please donate it and keep it out of the land fill.
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"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough.

We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."

Saint Francis of Assisi

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