

"We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man--all belong to the same family". Chief Seattle

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Friday, January 23, 2004

The Watering Cannes

The Watering cannes

I have put up some new photographs of molene, on The Watering Cannes. I shall be getting another digital camera soon ( the Sony cybershot was stolen 3 years ago! that is another story! K has still not recovered!) then I shall be able to post pictures of all the fantastic wildlife goings on here at Molene. One of the reasons for starting this blog.

I shall also be posting wildlife pictures here on ecozen. I have been using throw away cameras and occasionally k has taken some super shots with his trusty Fujica. But it takes forever to actually get the film to the developers etc.! or rather to remember to take it into town!

Kritik [ ] Send article



Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Fast Cows

Fast Cows

Yesterday was the day of the creatures. At tea time, looking accross the pond I saw one of the cows come hurtling towards the fence. It was chasing Princeton, one of the cats. They were both going faster than I can run. Princeton must have been up to something! He came in later covered in muck.

Later there was a very big bird sitting on a limb near the Willow, watching the field. The cats have depleted the usual snack centers!

We have two recuperating mice here and "the Bird" Francesca is co-authoring k's next book. I think it was a large hawk or a small eagle. He was about 20ins high, he stayed there for about 1/2 an hour. Then at dusk, it was drizzling, an owl flew over my head behind the house and back, he settled in the tall yew trees by the road. He was brown, his head very round, flat of face, his wing tips also rounded. The animal cards say he means deception, he is always asking Who? Who? K just told me he saw a Crane or a Stork in the Willow this morning. I wonder what a chasing cow means?

Bird table

This is the "Bird table" it is fairly Cat-safe, I feed them farmyard bird mix, they like all of it except the chick peas. We'll plant them soon. I also tie grease balls to the trees which they eat with relish, finished every 2 days!

I shall be getting another digital camera soon ( the Sony cybershot was stolen 3 years ago! that is another story! K has still not recovered!) then I shall be able to post pictures of all the fantastic wildlife goings on here at Molene. One of the reasons for starting this blog. I shall also be posting wildlife pictures on ecozen I have been using throw away cameras and occasionally k has taken some super shots with his trusty Fujica. But it takes forever to actually get the film to the developers etc.! or rather to remember to take it into town!

Kritik [ ] Send article



Sunday, January 18, 2004

The last 100 Grey Whales

"Especially worrisome are the threats to the critically endangered Western Pacific gray whale, of which only 100 are left. The gray whales spend 5 months a year feeding in a narrow strip near the shore of Sakhalin where ExxonMobil plans to drill for oil. In recent years, scientists have observed a number of apparently underweight whales, leading some to believe that oil exploration and production in the region have already had a negative impact on the animals." via...The Ecologist

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Friday, January 16, 2004

Whitney Picasso

artzen - art info expo culture

January 14, 2004 - Sotheby's announced today that it would auction 44 paintings from the Greentree Foundation, which was created in 1982 by the late Mrs. John Hay Whitney following the death of her husband John Hay Whitney.

Pablo Picasso, Garcon a la Pipe (Le jeune apprenti), 1905

The sale will include major works by Edouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Sir Alfred J. Munnings and John Singer Sargent. It will also include Picasso's extraordinary Garcon a la Pipe (Boy with a Pipe), which was painted in 1905 and is one of the most beautiful and powerful pictures from the early years of the artist's career.

Most of the paintings will be auctioned in a single owner evening sale in New York on Wednesday May 5th, with the Collection itself estimated in excess of $140 million.

Proceeds to Benefit the Greentree Foundation, devoted to the furtherance of peace, human rights, international cooperation and charitable and educational programs.

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Thursday, January 08, 2004

Zen and the art of training cats

by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

INLE LAKE, Myanmar I was introduced to Myanmar’s famous jumping cats at the Nga Phe Kyaung monastery, on Inle Lake. The "jumping cat monastery" is a key stop for the trickle of tourists who visit Myanmar, formerly Burma. There I met Venerable U Nanda, 25, one of a dozen resident monks. "It's easy to train cats," he said, somewhat reluctantly putting down his Burmese comic book. With a large dose of ennui he explained that you simply start when they're kittens, scratch them under the chin, say "kon," or jump, and reward them with kitty treats. Obviously, it works. via..IHT

This is interesting as we have trained some of our cats. They have trained us! They all follow us if we go on a family walk, ride on our shoulders. fetch balls like dogs! Iris pees in her own potty! Jardina walks on a lead and pees in the gutter, is used to having her own chair in restaurants and attacks any large dogs that come too near us!...ok so there are many more things that I can't think of :)

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Mass Extinctions

Global Warming Threatens Mass Extinctions -Study By Alister Doyle OSLO

Global warming could wipe out a quarter of all species of plants and animals on earth by 2050 in one of the biggest mass extinctions since the dinosaurs, according to an international study. via...Reuters

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Tuesday, January 06, 2004

China To Kill 10,000 Civet Cats


by ANC Staff and Animals Asia

After a man in Guangdong Province in southeastern China was reported ill with a strain of SARS similar to that found in civet cats, Chinese officials have ordered the closure of wild animal markets and the immediate killing of all captive civet cats in the province.

All civet cats are to be killed "in a few days," said Dr. Zhong Nanshan, China's senior SARS expert. A local official estimated that about 10,000 civet cats will meet their deaths in the cull.

Civet cats are widely eaten in Guangdong Province. The Hong Kong headquartered animal welfare organization 'Animals Asia' says the latest crisis highlights yet again the urgent need to ban China's live animal markets countrywide - once and for all.

After documenting the wild animal markets for nearly 20 years, Animals Asia investigators returned to China's notorious Zhengsha market in November 2003 and found in excess of 60 wild, domestic and endangered species, caged and pouring into the markets on the backs of trucks - stressed, diseased, dying and dead.

Despite new Government regulations many of the animals were clearly wild caught and were packed together in close concentrations of numbers along with thousands of reptiles, mammals, amphibians and birds.

Caged together in close proximity, the animals suffered violent and barbaric methods of slaughter which then allowed blood, gut contents, feces and urine to contaminate the surrounding area - and allowed viruses, previously kept under control by the immune system, to multiply and be excreted.

Animals Asia Media Director Annie Mather said: "Whilst it is clear that many market traders have been selling animals trapped in the wild and ignoring Government regulations to sell 'farmed raised species', it should actually be recognised that farming civet cats and other wild animals does not lessen the risk of disease and that they are potentially at risk of shedding viruses as any animal caught in the wild."

In 2003, a resolution proposed by the Animals Asia Foundation and supported by Hong Kong Legislator and Member of China's National People's Congress, Dr. David Chu Yu Lin, and local animal welfare and conservation groups in Hong Kong urged the Government to ban the trading and consumption of wild animals and dogs and cats, which was then submitted to Beijing's National People's Congress by Dr. Chu.

Supporting the closure of China's wild animal markets, Chen Run Shen, Secretary General of the Government's China Wildlife Conservation Association in Beijing said: "Whilst reform is the first step, in principle I believe that all wild animal markets should be closed in China. The wild animal trade has direct conflict with the progression of a civilized society. It also brings direct harm and damage to the animals themselves."

Following the Guangdong Government decision today to close all markets and kill the civet cats, Animals Asia Founder Jill Robinson MBE appealed to the authorities to euthanise the animals in the most humane way possible and to never again relax the new ban, as they have done in the past.

"We urge China to extend these regulations country wide, to include companion animals such as dogs and cats, and to take the lead in Asia towards ending decades of cruelty and disease," Robinson said.

© 2004 Animal News Center, Inc.

Another detailed article about SARS, the animal markets, Etc.

Kritik [ ] Send article



Saturday, January 03, 2004

Modest Needs

I'm writing to tell you about an organization I found called Modest Needs. Modest Needs is an online organization with one simple goal: to help struggling individuals and families to retain their self-sufficiency by remitting payment for a one time, emergency expense on their behalf. The organization was started by one man, who donated 10% of his salary as a professor to others, just because it made him happy to do that. Over the past year, Modest Needs has grown into a community of modest philanthropists, and the work these folks do has been featured on CBS, NBC, CNN, and in USA Today, among other places.

If you have a minute, you really should visit and read some of the stories from people they've been able to help. You won't believe how good you'll feel when you're done, even if I told you. You really have to see this for yourself.

Kritik [ ] Send article



Molene Life

We are so blessed to be living here. It was a peace full holiday time just us and the animals. The house, garden, park, woods, ponds and fields are full of wildlife.

There are about 4 dear deer who live under the trees in the middle area between the pathways. This morning K saw a huge Jack rabbit/ hare, bounding along it was so big, with a white pom pom tail that he thought it was one of the deer!

Since the big rains the ponds are overflowing and a large creature, that I referred to as Nessie a few days ago, has been seen skimming along the surface. It could be - a big water rat - an otter - a ragondin?

A tall graceful Crane comes to fish, then flaps away in slow motion.

We have been putting out grease balls for the birds, they love them, also bird food on the big granite table under the trees near the cat room. Black birds, Robins, Tom Tits, Thrushes, Sparrows, Chaffinches, Wood Pigeons, Wrens...Etc.

There is a couple of big grey Hawks that live at the bottom of Molene near the big Mac Mansion pond, they circle and cry overhead.

There are two long fat weasely looking mice, in the cat victim recuperation centre cupboard. They seem to be doing well, have made little nests and are very partial to oatmeal, apples and corn.

This afternoon we made big piles of fallen branches, that had come down during last weeks storm. We shall break them up for the fire. At the moment we have a great deal of pending firewood that isn't quite dry enough to burn. It is cold, the big pond was half frozen all day.

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Global Warming Cost

Re-insurer counts cost of global warming

The world's biggest re-insurance company, Munich Re, has attributed a sharp increase in weather-related disasters around the world to global warming.

In its latest annual report, the company - which insures insurance companies - puts the combined cost of this year's global natural disasters at close to $80 billion.

The report says the natural disasters have also claimed at least 50,000 lives worldwide.

A senior research analyst for Australia's AMP capital sustainable funds team, Ian Woods, says the insurance industry is recognising the impact of global warming. via...ABC

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RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.
- National Zoo Awareness to raise public awareness of animal suffering in zoos. Find out more.
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Sunbathing can help prevent more than 25 chronic diseases and save billions
Sunlight Robbery: Health benefits of sunlight are denied by current public health policy in the UK, written by Oliver Gillie, a former medical correspondent on the Sunday Times and ex-medical editor of the Independent. The report is published by the Health Research Forum a not for profit organisation devoted to discussion of health issues – copies can be downloaded free
- update - Mike finished the the London Marathon April 18th, 2004 Mike Wibberley. "It’s a big venture. Not just the running, but I’m also raising money for two causes. They are Shelter and The Wilderness Leadership School."
To pledge money or for more information please e-mail
"I believe two of the marks of the quality of our Civilisation are how we take care of those of us who experience difficulty and disadvantage, and how we respect and preserve wildness." Mike Wibberley
Forum Barcelona 2004
9 May - 26 September 141 days for experiencing and reflecting. The Forum is a festive journey designed to bring the three main themes to life. For 141 days, this will be the place where visitors experience cultures and entertainment from around the world through exhibitions, markets, performances, games and more. Register!
Barcelona and the Universal Forum of Cultures to host World Environment Day 2004
This Year's Global Theme: Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive?

The city of Barcelona, known for its commitment to culture and urban renewal, will be hosting World Environment Day 2004, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The annual World Environment Day (WED) event, celebrated around the globe each year on or around 5 June, will take place during the nearly five-month long Universal Forum of Cultures that is being hosted by the Barcelona City Council, the Catalan Autonomous Government and the Spanish Government. Contact Eric Falt

WED, commemorated each year on 5 June is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.

WED was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP.

Information on the day, Skolia, posters, fact sheets and ideas on how to celebrate WED can be found at

- EURO Environment 2004 Aalborg, Denmark 11-12 November
- 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress Bangkok, Thailand 17-25 November
The John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage 2003-4 "For me the albatross symbolises the triumph of the human spirit. I'm going to help it."
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Animal Control Division Parrot Society of Los Angeles
Donate to Feelanthropy.

- give-web This site has been put together to help inspire goodwill between people, "Random Acts of Kindness", "Paying it Forward" or whatever you want to call it.  

The idea is simple, help someone out and in exchange get them to help someone else out. If you think about it, your one good deed continues down the line and ends up helping out many people.
 The second reason  for the site is to become a web portal for free donation through clicking sites.
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Countless working horses and donkeys in developing nations are being mutilated because of widespread superstition and ignorance, you can help end this suffering.

- Animal Freedom is the website of a Dutch foundation under the same name and with the same objectives. On the website international volunteers exchange legal ideas about ending factory farming and promoting animal rights.
Animal Freedom can be regarded as a virtual community and tries to unite and support people all over the world that agree with freedom as a "portal" to animal rights.
- The worst abuses in factory farming
- it is very important that we know about this ruthless suffering, it is all done for financial gain! Think before you eat.

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"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough.

We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."

Saint Francis of Assisi

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